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The orks are sick
Orks have equal skill with Luke

Big Lobbas are simple mortars stuffed full of high explosive shrapnel shells. Crewed by lowly Grots, morale can be a problem and they are often watched over by grizzled Slavers or Meks. Placed on the rear lines and in large groups, these weapons can be a problem if you command a largely infantry based force. Utilize Fast Attack units to penetrate the enemy line and deal with these Heavy Support weapons.

Ork Nobz are bigger, stronger Orks that have earned their status through brutal respect. They lead mobs of boyz into battle and form the bodyguard of a Warboss. They are the meanest, nastiest Orks you'll face short of the Warboss himself. They excel at close quarter combat and can sustain high levels of physical abuse before they go down. Therefore it is highly inadvisable to assault a large unit of Ork Nobz. Their staying power and high strength make them a formidable foe up close. Reserve an assault on such aliens for only your best close combat units. It is more favorable to eliminate them through the use of long ranged fire power, but this is rarely an option. You can bet that if there is a hidden objective underlying an Ork army's actions, these Ork Nobz will be given the task of completing it.

The rokkit buggy has high skill
Buggies tend to be lightly armored but highly mobile. Each vehicle is a unique creation that may feature several upgrades that are not discernible until too late. Such is the random nature of the Ork race. These Buggies and Trakks may mount exceedingly heavy weapons, so keep your armor units out of their reach. Conversely they can be kited out as close range shock vehicles, this is the case for vehicles known as Scorchas. These variants on the Trakk vehicle mount a heavy flamer as it's main weapon and are effective against any troops you have stationed in defensive bunkers. Remember this when faced with these vehicular threats.

Trukk boyz & War Trukk
Trukk Boyz are Orks that have managed to secure a War Trukk as their personal transport vehicle. They rarely leave their vehicle and constantly upgrade and customize it, making no two Trukks the same. They play a role similar to the Stormboyz in that they can be on the frontlines quickly and strike where they want due to the vehicles speed. Once in range they dismount and enter hand to hand combat, where the Ork passengers are at their best. Look for them early in a battle and eliminate the transport vehicle with long range support. Once the vehicle is neutralized, don't expect complete victory. Such is the hardiness of the Ork race that the riders will emerge from even the worst wrecks unscathed and still 100% functional.

Ork warbike
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To become an Ork Warboss, an Ork must endure a rigorous career of asserting authority and bloody combat. Once accepted by an Ork tribe a Warboss continues his brutal tyranny by making an example of would be challengers to his rule. On the battlefield Warbosses need to be in the thick of the fighting to ensure that his troops keep from routing. Just his presence inspires each Ork to fight on to the bitter end no matter what the odds. An Ork Warboss makes a terrible foe as he will undoubtedly have the best armor and weaponry available. This matched with his skill in close combat make warbosses very deadly leaders. If you can kill an Ork Warboss, you will have quite an advantage as nearby Ork units begin to break and run. Pursue this purpose and victory will surely follow.

Ard' Boyz
'Ard Boyz are groups of Orks who have managed to scrape up enough metal bitz and armor casings to equip themselves with rather effective, if primitive, armor. Look for them to spearhead frontal attacks as they believe they are better than the rest of the standard Ork Boyz. This mentality can lead to an early demise as well prepared squads will have anticipated such brutal tactics and set up heavy bolters to deal with these armored Orks. 'Ard Boyz may be armed in a random fashion as each Ork prefers a different way to deal with the enemy. This can lead to an erratic battleplan which changes from one moment to the next.

Thanks FoR ChEcKiNg out the ork section.