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This page is based on the game warhammer 40,000
I like warhammer 40k you should too. Here are a few pics.

  The Ork Warbosses
To become an Ork Warboss, an Ork must endure a rigorous career of asserting authority and bloody combat. Once accepted by an Ork tribe a Warboss continues his brutal tyranny by making an example of would be challengers to his rule. On the battlefield Warbosses need to be in the thick of the fighting to ensure that his troops keep from routing. Just his presence inspires each Ork to fight on to the bitter end no matter what the odds. An Ork Warboss makes a terrible foe as he will undoubtedly have the best armor and weaponry available. This matched with his skill in close combat make warbosses very deadly leaders. If you can kill an Ork Warboss, you will have quite an advantage as nearby Ork units begin to break and run. Pursue this purpose and victory will surely follow.

Just remember Luke has sKiLL.

Home style

Cheese is cool
Have you heard the word on da street is dat cheese is hangin with the eastsidaz Krew.

I t 's a s h o n k y p r o c e s s

Eldar's Avatar
An Avatar is a living incarnation of a god. Their skin is of the toughest metal and molten magma flows through their veins. They are unequaled in combat prowess, able to fell the mightiest of warrior, daemon, or machine. Carrying a weapon called "The Wailing Doom", the Avatar stalks across the battlefield shrugging off laser blasts and shrapnel alike as it hunts down it's prey. There are no sure ways to defeat an Avatar in combat. Fire what you can at it and hope it doesn't enter an assault with your troops as it will make short, bloody work of them.

Hive tyrant
Hive Tyrants form the main leader of a Tyranid swarm. They exert the will of the Hive Mind and control the actions of the force. These towering nightmares are able to adapt to whatever combat situation arises. Some carry heavy long ranged weaponry while others are pure assault creatures. Whatever a Hive Tyrant's armament, they will be mixed in with the main bulk of the force, directing his minions and leading attacks. Like most Tyranid organisms, the Hive tyrant is extremely agile and lightning fast. Going toe to toe with is to be avoided by all but the best assault troops. As with Tyranid Warriors, Hive Tyrants act as a psychic node for the swarm. By killing one of these leader creatures, the rest of the force will become confused and act independently, instead of one. This is how you win against the Tyranids. Sever their connection with the Hive Mind and the rest of the force will become easier to manage and more predictable.

ThAnKs FoR ViSiTiNg My WeBsItE......